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Wisconsin’s Ultimate Pruning Guide for Trees, Shrubs and Perennials

Wisconsin’s Ultimate Pruning Guide for Trees, Shrubs and Perennials

The pruning guide you’ve been searching for. We turn ordinary people into expert gardeners by giving you secret information like this. Our team of gardeners have anywhere from 5 to 30 years of experience. We know what it feels like to get frustrated and struggle 

Don’t Make THIS Mistake when watering your plants!

Don’t Make THIS Mistake when watering your plants!

When temps get high, plants, especially perennials, tend to dry out exceedingly quick. Watch our YouTube Video for our do’s and don’t’s when it comes to watering your plants properly! The proper technique for watering your plants is to place the tip of the hose 

How to Attract Pollinators to your Garden!

How to Attract Pollinators to your Garden!

Planting perennials, shrubs and vines with pollinators in mind is a win-win situation. Plants provide pollen and nectar that bees, butterflies and hummingbirds need for survival. Plus, their buzzy behaviors lead to better seed and fruit production in your garden and hours of viewing enjoyment 

Landscape Design

Landscape Design

Landscape Design Professionals Available Our retail staff is knowledgeable on strategic ways to incorporate plants naturally in the landscape. If you’re looking for more of a larger scale project we can help! We are owned and operated by McKay Nursery Company, based out of Waterloo 

How to create a dynamic shade garden!

How to create a dynamic shade garden!

What is a shade garden? Full Shade is considered 3 hours or less of direct sunlight each day. Partial Shade is considered 3-6 hours of direct sunlight each day. Shade gardens are cool – literally! It can feel 10-15 degrees cooler in a shaded garden 

Perennial Container Class

Do you have shade or sun? This hands-on class we will focus on perennials that create a dynamic punch during the summer! Bonus of this workshop is being able to transplant these container perennials to your garden to enjoy for years to come! We supply 

Grass Container Class

Looking for some height on your porch? This mixed grass planter workshop could be what you’re looking for. Using our popular, Karl Foester Feathereed grass, it will add depth and dimension to your sunny porch or patio. We supply everything you need for our classes. 

Sun Container Class

This class will focus on creating a patio container for morning sun. The focal point is a McKay Introduction, the Grateful Red Hydrangea, that will be surrounded by your favorite annuals for a burst of color from spring to fall. We supply everything you need 

Rose & Annual Container Class

We consider this class to be a classic! It’s a container workshop that consists of hardy roses and several annuals to act as accents. This colorful container will be a great addition to your yard. We supply everything you need for our classes. All you